Make sure the investments
in your portfolio are still right for you.

We need your help to update information like:

  • Your risk tolerance
  • Your financial goals
  • Your timeline for when you need a significant portion of your money

Good news! Your team of Prospr advisors can help.

Get started today!

Just click on book an appointment below. Choose Review my portfolio as the appointment topic.

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If you prefer contacting us by phone, call us at 1-888-444-7110 (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET).

Prospr by Sun Life™ is a business division and trade name of Sun Life

Financial Distributors (Canada) Inc. and Sun Life Financial Investment

Services (Canada) Inc. Insurance products are distributed through Sun

Life Financial Distributors (Canada) Inc. 

Mutual funds are distributed through Sun Life

Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc.

Prospr by Sun Life™ is a trademark of Sun Life Assurance

Company of Canada. 

© Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. All rights reserved.